Application translations,
automated with AI

Effortlessly translate your app’s language files into multiple languages.

auto-translate --source-file=en.json --source-language=en --target-file=de.json --target-language=de

Why Choose Auto Translate?


Automatic Translation

Simplifies the entire translation process for your app.


Multi-language Support

Supports over 30 languages worldwide.


CI Pipeline Integration

Easily runs in the CI Pipeline for full automation.

How It Works

Follow these four simple steps to translate your app effortlessly.


Step 1: Create a Subscription

Sign up for an Auto Translate subscription to get started.


Step 2: Download the NPM package

Install @auto-translate/cli to start translating.


Step 3: Run the translation script

Let AI automatically translate your content into the selected languages.


Step 4: Review and merge changes

Review translations and merge them into your app for a seamless integration.

Upcoming Features

Exciting new updates and features are on the way to enhance your experience.


Direct GitLab/GitHub Pipeline Integration

No need to write your own pipeline definition files. We can do it for you directly.


Improve Translation of Edited Values

We will not just find new values to translate, but also improve the translation of values that have been edited.


App-Specific Translations

We understand that every application can have specific translations by its usage. Add those easily in your account, and we will ensure that we translate those correctly.


Login with Email

You don't have a Google account? No worries, we will soon support simple Email login.

Frequently Asked Questions

My file is only translated partly, what should I do?

This can happen due to various reasons. Just run the translation command again.

How do I run Auto Translate in my CI/CD pipeline?

To run Auto Translate in your CI/CD pipeline, you can use the following GitLab CI configuration:

  image: node:latest
  stage: build
    - git config --global "${GITLAB_USER_NAME}"
    - git config --global "${GITLAB_USER_EMAIL}"
  script: |
    npx @auto-translate/cli --source-file ./en.json --source-language en --target-file ./de.json --target-language de
    git config --global ""  # Set a default user email
    git config --global "CI Bot"          # Set a default user name
    # Use HTTPS with the access token for authentication
    git checkout -b feature-branch-name  # Replace with your branch name
    git add .  # Stage all changes
    git commit -m "Automated commit from GitLab CI/CD" || echo "No changes to commit"
    # Push changes using HTTPS and the Personal Access Token
    git push https://oauth2:$$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git feature-branch-name
    # Variables
    SOURCE_BRANCH="feature-branch-name"  # Replace with your branch name
    TITLE="Automated Merge Request from CI/CD"
    DESCRIPTION="This MR is generated by the GitLab CI/CD pipeline."

    # Create Merge Request using GitLab API
    curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN"       --data "source_branch=$SOURCE_BRANCH"       --data "target_branch=$TARGET_BRANCH"       --data "title=$TITLE"       --data "description=$DESCRIPTION"       "$PROJECT_ID/merge_requests"